Friday, October 22, 2004


Any architect will know who Daniel Libeskind is- the most recognizable architect today. His lecture on his recent work required very little introduction, needed no verbose explanations, and had a "shock and awe" effect on the audience. His buildings excite, his concepts are clear, his architectural intentions are noble. It's almost uncanny to have an architect who is a household name come down and talk on the same level as all of us.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Buy a Mac

If there's a similarity between Christianity and Mac users, it's that both are minorities who have an instinctual need to tell other people about their love. In the case of Christians, it's the love for Christ. For Mac users, it's the love for Macs. One thing that Apple is succeeding that perhaps Christians can learn from is that people immediately notice the glowing Apple logo, or the white earbuds, or the eagerness to show off OS X. There is an immediate perception of difference, of resistance, and of (perhaps) good taste. If only I was more effective at showing my faith as I am converting PC users.