Joe Kan predicts Obama will win by 15 points.
With two weeks to go, I have concluded that Obama will not only win the election, but he will win it in a landslide. Several factors over the past few weeks that make me believe this. First- the conversation has changed from one of negativity to one of "reality check". Obama clearly benefited from the debates, especially after revelations that "Joe the plumber" is not actually a plumber, and that his taxes won't actually go up under Obama's plan. There's also full recognition now that Obama is.. indeed.. black.. and that will have no negative influence on election day. There's also full recognition that McCain is indeed old.. and his policies, too, are old. With just two weeks to go, I predict Obama will win by 15.
In other news.. the Chinese Yuan is now at 5.6 to the Canadian dollar, which means that on paper, the value of my Chinese bank account is 30% higher than it was a year ago. Amazing!