Googlization of the world and vetting.
At the 10 year anniversary of the incorporation of Google, Rob Dubbin writes a hilarious piece about how he tried to survive without Google for
24 hours. Also, with the lack of a TV in my apartment here in Beijing, I have been spending whole evenings watching diavlogs on It is basically like Crossfire, but free of advertising and much more interesting. This one talks more about the genius and sinister side of Google.
Throughout the presidential campaign, I can't read a single article without without seeing the word "vet." Was Palin properly vetted? The vetting process of VP takes a few months. Hillary Clinton is thoroughly vetted by years in the spotlight. I've always thought vetting has something to do with animals.. but I discovered that it also has a parallel meaning. The dictionary definition is 'to make a careful check of (a person or document) for suitability." It's a great word to use, I think.. and makes choosing things sound more sophisticated and systematic. Forget spontaneous decisions. From now on, I think need to vet more things in our lives. We need to vet birthday gifts and guest lists, vet future spouses and their families and acquaintances, vet what kind of shampoo to buy.. there should be professional personal vetters. We should vet them too.