Sunday, March 11, 2007


I'm now working at Urbanus, one of the leading young design firms in China. Click here to see some of their work:

I'm pretty excited because this offers me the opportunity to stay in Beijing until the 2008 Olympics, to be right at the leading edge of Chinese design, and also forces me to learn Chinese. Also, this allows me to go to Ninxia during the May holidays.


L@ said...


coolio! went to the urbanus site and concluded that all their projects are pretty cool, which means i'm sure the ones you get to work on will be ones that you can be proud of. learn lots, then bring it all back here!

wish we could visit you, but you'll have to come back instead :)
when you do, our house should be renovated! it's exciting, as you said, that everyone's gotten a job of worth: rem in NY, tim here in montreal, and me... well, nothing terribly exciting here... but still learning!

oh yeah, too bad about your bike. it looked really nice though. at least it wasn't your laptop...


allimalia said...

YAYYYYYYYYYYYY joe!!! so i can come visit u this summer? :D