Friday, August 24, 2007

Great Wall Photos
(Thanks to Susan and DyAnn for the photos)

Farmer Suen, who took care of us during the weekend.

DyAnn and Calvin posing as we slept on the Wall.

We woke up to this unexpectedly stunning vista.

Sunrise at 6AM.

Notice Alli and I on the left, and Calvin doing his devotions in the tower on the right.

Group Shot

Climbing the steepest part of the wall.

Alvin and Anita.


Jasper said...

nice shots joe! can i camp on the wall in dec too?

Caryn - A Timeless Celebration said...

Is that even legal Joe Kan? Sleeping on the WALL??

Charminglamb said...

That was so cool!!! I want to sleep on the wall too! But was it dangerous?? Hm..when can CL2 pass by to visit Joe??

It looked like a tough hike...I wonder if CL2 can be ready for that...