Wednesday, August 20, 2008

August 20, 2008: Summer Palace/ an afternoon with Richard Pound.

There was a McGill Alumni event today with Richard Pound speaking about the state of the Olympics today, and the vision for McGill University. Mr. Pound is the Chancellor of McGill, as well as vice-president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). He praised China for cracking down on doping and making progress on the pollution. He alluded to the 1984 Games, of how the media exaggerated the pollution in L.A.  He says that public funds are playing less of a critical role in the Olympics and that the multi-billion dollar TV and advertising economy of the Olympics is here to stay. A nice intimate setting, maybe 50 people. Also met Rene Milot, Quebec's diplomat (ambassador?) to China. 

Morning at the Summer Palace. The great Kunming Lake in the distance.

The Long Corridor.

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